Sunday, March 30, 2014

My pick up and journey to the winery.....including an ASADO!

My contact at Flechas de los Andes has been a girl named Agustina. She has been so kind with helping to get me to Argentina and offered to collect me from my downtown hotel and drive me 120km south to the winery. This sounds so out of the way and I'm thankful I don't have to worry about a rental car and driving the rugged roads. It turns out that she makes visits on Sunday's for lunch to visit her family for an asado (Argentina BBQ). This week her sister and husband hosted 10 of us. I was treated like one of the family....mostly because they were impressed I would eat anything they put in front of me! They didn't have to worry about this Canadian girl missing out on one of the most authentic culinary experiences of her life:) 
THANK-YOU to Agustina and her family for taking such good care of me!

The Asado!

Ribs, pork, two types of beef and 3 different sausages, plus some veggies....

It is traditional to start with the sausages, greens, zucchini, squash, tomato
The pastry chef on the right created this flan. On the left is Gaston, my new boss!!

I was tempted to try this traditional cocktail, Fernet & Coke. Very herbal and minty fresh.
The two Father's of the group enjoying some Fernet and (maybe) some Coke.

A day in Mendoza

I had a day on my own yesterday to explore the city of Mendoza. Hot, sunny weather with a feeling of fall. It was most evident when I took photos when the sun was at its highest and I would still get shadows.
This will be an adjustment for my body clock, going from winter to fall!?? Ha!

It was easy to navigate the city center on foot and the next time I visit I will take the 'hop on, hop off' city bus tour.

I got word that my luggage would arrive later that night so for dinner I took a taxi to the best Argentine Restaurant for beef, Patio Jesus Maria. They had a lovely outdoor patio next to the park and I had excellent service from their female Sommelier, Rocio.

Enjoy this photo gallery:)

Plaza Independencia

Irrigation canals for the collection of run off water from the Andes Mountains are all around town in various depth and widths......therefore, watch where your walking!!!
Plaza Espana - The most beautiful and colourful of the 5 different squares in central Mendoza

I highly recommend this mult-room wine shop called "Winery"

Time for Argentina Beef! Restaurant Patio Jose Maria. What would pair with this?????
Pulenta Gran Malbec :)
Took a bit of arm twisting, and I caved. Dulce de Leche dessert. Unbelievable!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Flight to Mendoza, Argentina

Welcome to my new blog! 

I am thrilled to be writing from the heart of Mendoza, Argentinta. I traveled 16 hours from Toronto via Santiago. The travel went smoothly except for a lost bag and I find myself desperately in need of deodorant and dental care kit! 

I have a free day today to explore the city center before I am collected by a winery representative tomorrow (Sunday). On Monday I start work at Flechas de Los Andes Winery. Here is a link with a brief introduction to the winery and a photo gallery: Flechas de los Andes Winery

This was one of the most incredible sights I've ever seen - Coastal Chilean Mountains. They were endless and I couldn't stop staring out the window.
Flight over the Andes Mountains from Santiago, Chile to Mendoza, Argentina. Only a 35min flight!

Starting our decent into Mendoza
Couldn't resist, eating, and including this photo of this decadent caramel, Dulce De Leche, served at breakfast!